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How To Remove Security Tag? Explore 7+ Ways to Do It Now!

How to remove security tags from clothes at home? Explore more than 7 ways to do it easily without contacting a professional.

1. What are security tags?

A security tag is a tiny “signal transmitter”. It’s usually put on items in-store, especially in clothes. If someone takes the item out of the store without paying or removing the security tag, the tag will trigger an alarm.

2. Types of security tags

Security tags basically have 3 main types, including fake security tags, EAS clothing tags, and ink tags.

2.1 Fake security tags

These types of security tags are just made to look similar to security tags in clothes. But actually, it contains no hardware capable of setting off store alarms or causing inky explosions. These exist only to prevent shoplifters visually.

2.2 EAS clothing tags

Electronic article surveillance security tags, known as EAS tags, are most often what comes to mind when you hear the phrase "clothing security tag."

2.3 Ink tags

Ink security tags are the most popular type of security tag for clothes. When tampered with, these security tags are meant to damage the product to which they are attached.

3. How to remove security tags from clothes at home?

How to remove security tags from clothes at home?

Here are a few ways you can use to remove security tags depending on the types of tag you're dealing with:

3.1 Remove with a rubber band or plastic bag

There are no tools required! You can easily remove a security tag with a rubber band or plastic bag. Let's see how to do below:

  • Place the clothing item on the floor with the tag facing up.
  • Wrap the rubber band or plastic bag handle around and beneath the tag. The thicker the band, as long as it still fits, the better.
  • Wrap it around the tag again and again until it bursts open.

If this procedure does not work, you may need to try it again with a thicker band or several smaller ones.

3.2 Use a security tag remover magnet

Many security tags can be removed easily if you use a magnet. However, do not use wimpy magnets for the fridge. What you need is a magnet that is as large and strong as possible.

To start removing a security tag with a magnet, you need:

  • Place your security tag remover magnet on a table or other flat surface.
  • Then, place the tag's base against the magnet.
  • After you hear a clicking sound, start wiggling the other side of the tag until the pin comes loose.

3.3 Use a fork to remove

Do you have some forks in your home? We believe that you have! Here’s how to remove a security tag with a fork:

  • Wedge one into the tag as far as it will go.
  • Repeat with the other fork so they're back to back.
  • Push, bend, and pry them gently in any direction until the tag pops open.

3.4 Use a screwdriver

This one requires a screwdriver with a flat head and is applicable to mechanical tags.

  • Place the article of clothes flat on a sturdy surface.
  • Look for the pyramid-shaped cartridge at the tag's top.
  • Insert your screwdriver beneath the cartridge.
  • Pull the plastic tag cover-up after piercing it with the screwdriver. A popping sound may be heard. You may now remove the ink cartridge.
  • After removing the cartridge, you'll see a thin piece of paper lining that conceals a metal plate. Take out the paper lining.
  • Lift the metal arms using the screwdriver. You should now be able to take the pin away from the tag.

3.5 The freezer method

You may have read online that you may freeze ink security tags to make the liquid ink inside solid, preventing it from leaking all over the place.

However, your freezer is unlikely to be cold enough to freeze the ink within these tags. So, we do not recommend you use this method unless you do not have any other ways.

Trying to enclose the ink security tag securely in a plastic bag before attempting to break it apart may be a better choice.

3.6 Set the security tags on fire

You may heat and melt the security tag’s plastic with a candle or lighter, but only until it is soft. The tag can then be broken apart using pliers, a knife, or a similar instrument.

This should go without saying, but proceed with caution here. It will catch fire, so keep that in mind.

3.7 Use brute force

This method is not ideal for ink tags, but it could work for other types of security tags. Here is how you can do it:

  • To make some room, wedge anything between the tag and the pin.
  • Begin twisting the tag's two halves back and forth until the pin snaps.
  • To remove the tag, separate the parts.

How to remove security tags from clothes? RetailCoupons.com believes that now you know how to do it. Try one of the 7 methods we recommend, it may help. Leave a comment if you have any questions, we will help.

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Elissa Sanci
Elissa Sanci
Elissa Sanci is the Founder of RetailCoupons.com. She used to study at Santa Barbara City College, a famous public school in California with many diverse training professions, and she majored in horticulture.